
Overall aims of M-POHL regarding organizational health literacy

Organizational health literacy (OHL) has different objectives. These are:

  • To further develop instruments on measuring OHL and start an international comparative project on measuring OHL in as many as possible member countries of WHO-Europe.
  • To contribute to the development of a multi-level, international database on OHL.
  • To support and advise WHO-Europe and its member countries on interventions to improve OHL. 

Objectives of the M-POHL OHL project 2023 - 2027

The main aim of the OHL project is:

  • to initiate and facilitate the assessment of OHL in health care services by developing, providing, and disseminating OHL assessment tools.

Thereby we aim to support health care organizations

  • to engage with the issue of OHL,
  • to obtain information about the strengths and weaknesses of OHL in their organization, and
  • based on the above, to improve their OHL.