Results & publications


  • International Self-Assessment Tool for Organizational Health Literacy of Hospitals - short version (OHL-Hos-SF)

    The OHL-Hos-SF was developed by the M-POHL Working Group on Developing the OHL-Hos-SF, consisting of experts from 10 countries and involving hospital staff as “users of the tool”. The OHL-Hos-SF  has 8 standards (reflecting the OHL-Hos standards, but with revised wording, 19 sub-standards and 60 indicators (when including sub-indicators 72 items are used). The indicators for each sub-standard operationalize concrete observable or measurable elements.




  • International Self-Assessment Tool for Organizational Health Literacy in Primary Health Care Services (OHL-PHC) 

    The OHL-PHC was developed by the M-POHL Working Group on Organizational Health Literacy in Primary Health Care Service consisting of experts from 13 countries. The tool builds on the OHL-Hos and the OHL Self-AsseT (De Gani et al. 2020).  It has 7 standards, 19 sub-standards and 51 indicators (when including sub-indicators 70 items are used). The indicators for each sub-standard operationalize concrete observable or measurable elements. The tool is applicable at any type of organization that offers primary care, such as primary care centers, offices of generalist health professionals, ambulatory health care centers, family planning centers and pharmacies. A factsheet on the OHL-PHC can be found here.

Both tools are available as word and excel documents. Word versions provide detailed introductions, excel versions enable the automatic creation of result overviews in percentage and as graphs. Supporting tools for summing up results from individual assessment and enable the visualization of results by creating automatic graphs were created. Currently the tools are only available to M-POHL OHL partners. 


Participating countries are encouraged to publish their national results of the OHL project. In the final phase of the project, an International Report will be produced.


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