Toolkits, guides and useful information in English
Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit
Organizational Health Literacy Toolkit
HeLLO TAS! Toolkit - Toolkit for Health Literacy Learning Organizations
Patient and family engagement module of the CUSP Toolkit
Building Health Literate Organizations: A guidebook to achieving organizational change
The Gippsland Guide to becoming a Health Literate Organization
Make it easy: a handbook for becoming a Health Literate Organization
NALA Guide on becoming Literacy Friendly Organization
A Checklist for Health Literate Organizations
Health Literacy Online: A guide for simplifying the user experience
Making Health Literacy real: The beginnings of my organization’s plan for action
Health Literacy Framework: A guide to action
Health Literacy Review: A guide
“What did the doctor say?:” Improving Health Literacy to protect patient safety
Always Use Teach-back! Toolkit
Toolkits, guides and useful information in German
Praxisleitfaden zur Entwicklung einer gesundheitskompetenten Organisation
Methodenbox: Die gesundheitsbezogene Sozialversicherung
Universität Bielefeld: Gesundheitskompetenz. Verständlich informieren und beraten