Structure & Members

M-POHL structure

M-POHL is a network of member countries from the WHO-European Region under the auspices of WHO-Europe. Associated membership and observer status are possible. The network is represented by two co-chairs, one co-chair represents policy interests, and one represents research interests. An international coordination center (ICC) coordinates and administrates the activities of M-POHL in cooperation with the co-chairs and the Advisory Board. In the Governance and Work Structure of M-POHL roles, responsibilities and decision structures in M-POHL are outlined in detail. An organogram can be found here:

Organogram of M-POHL

M-POHL chairs

M-POHL is currently co-chaired by Christina Dietscher (Austrian Federal Minister of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection) and by Diane Levin-Zamir (University of Haifa, School of Public Health and Clalit Health Services).

Anastasia Koylyu is M-POHLs health literacy contact at the WHO/Europe.

M-POHL Advisory Board

M-POHL is supported by an Advisory Board consisting of excellent experts from research and policy. The Advisory Board advices the M-POHL co-chairs and the ICC regarding strategic, research and policy directions and on the development of theoretical and empirical aspects of its projects. The Advisory Board members are: 

  • Altyn Aringazina (Kazakhstan)
  • Henrik Bøggild (Denmark)
  • Gerardine Doyle (Ireland))
  • Christopher Le (Norway)
  • Andreja Ljubič (Slovenia)
  • Kristine Sørensen (Denmark)
  • Tamara Štemberger Kolnik (Slovenia)
  • Miguel Telo de Arriaga (Portugal)
  • Stephan Van den Broucke (Belgium). 

International Coordination Centre (ICC)

The International Coordination Centre (ICC) of M-POHL is situated within the Competence Centre Health Promotion and Healthcare of the Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH). The ICC is elected by M-POHL General Assembly for a period of 5 years.

The main contact persons at the ICC are Christa Straßmayr for the coordination of M-POHL and its projects and Robert Griebler for the scientific coordination of the M-POHL projects.

M-POHL Partners 

M-POHL brings together health researchers, health policy makers, and health administrators. Member countries typically participate with two positions: 

  • a representative from research
  • a representative from health policy or health administration. 

This enables dialogue between these perspectives. These representatives are part of the M-POHL General Assembly, which convenes twice a year to discuss progress and to jointly decide on next steps. This continuous collaboration increases a broader understanding of health literacy, supports health literacy’s momentum, and assists the planning of specific health literacy activities and interventions in respective countries.

M-POHL is open to all member states of WHO-Europe. Associated membership for non-WHO European countries is possible. In the Governance and Work Structure of M-POHL details on becoming a member, associated member and observer are outlined. M-POHL has currently (as of 2024) 27 participating member countries, 2 observing countries from the WHO European Region, and in addition observers from Asian countries. 

M-POHL Countries


Flag of Austria


Flag of Belgium


Flag of Bulgaria

Czech Republic

Flag of Czech Republic


Flag of Denmark


Flag of Estonia


Flag of France


Flag of Germany


Flag of Hungary


Flag of Ireland


Flag of Israel


Flag of Italy


Flag of Kazakhstan


Flag of Moldova


Flag of the Netherlands


Flag of Norway


Flag of Portugal

Russian Federation

Flag of the Russian Federation


Flag of Serbia


Flag of Slovakia



Flag of Slovenia


Flag of Spain


Flag of Sweden


Flag of Switzerland


Flag of Turkey


Flag of Ukrain

United Kingdom

Flag of the United Kingdom