Recording of the Workshop on Health Literacy and Behavioural and Cultural Insights

The recording of the EVPOP workshop “Health Literacy and Behavioural and Cultural Insights: what is the relationship between these two approaches” is now available HERE

At the workshop, which was held on 23rd May 2024, a new WHO concept note on Behavioural and Cultural Insights (BCI) and health literacy was presented by Katrine Bach Habersaat, Regional Advisor for BCI, WHO Regional office for Europe. Reflections on BCI and health literacy with focus on M-POHL were provided by Diane Levin-Zamir, M-POHL research chair and Chair of the Technical Advisory Group for BCI Unit – WHO-Europe & Robert Griebler, scientific coordinator of the M-POHL project. 

In addition, national experiences on the issue of health literacy and BCI were shared by Miguel Telo de Arriaga, Head of the Division of Literacy, Health and Well-being, Directorate-General of Health, Portugal & Robert Murphy, Senior Economics Research Officer, Department of Health, Ireland.