
National HLS19 reports

Journal publications

Griese, Lennert; Schaeffer, Doris (2025): Health literacy and chronic disease: a comparison of somatic and mental illness. Frontiers in public health 13.

Schaeffer D., Griese L., Klinger J. (2023) Navigationale Gesundheitskompetenz der Bevölkerung in Deutschland (Navigational health literacy of the population in Germany). Das Gesundheitswesen.

Schaeffer D., Gille S.,  Berens E.-M., Griese L., Klinger J., Vogt D.,  Hurrelmann K. (2023) Digitale Gesundheitskompetenz der Bevölkerung in Deutschland: Ergebnisse des HLS-GER 2 (Digital Health Literacy of the Population in Germany: Results of the HLS-GER 2). Gesundheitswesen 2023; 85(04): 323-331. DOI: 10.1055/a-1670-7636

Klinger, J., Berens, E.-M., Schaeffer, D. (2023). Health literacy and the role of social support in different age groups: results of a German cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health; 23, 2259. 

Klinger J., Berens E.-M., Carol S., Schaeffer D. (2023). Gesundheitskompetenz von Personen mit ex-sowjetischem und türkischem Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland (Health Literacy of People with Former Soviet Union and Turkish Migration Background in Germany). Gesundheitswesen. DOI: 10.1055/a-2035-9107

Berens, E.-M., Klinger, J., Carol, S., Schaeffer, D. (2022) Differences in health literacy domains among migrants and their descendants in Germany. Frontiers in public health, 10,

Gille, S., Griese, L., & Schaeffer, D. (2021). Preferences and Experiences of People with Chronic Illness in Using Different Sources of Health Information: Results of a Mixed-Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 13185.

Griese, L., Schaeffer, D. and Berens, E.-M. (2022): Navigational health literacy among people with chronic illness. Chronic Illness 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/17423953211073368

Schaeffer, D., Berens, E.-M., Vogt, D., Gille, S., Griese, L., Klinger, J., & Hurrelmann, K. (2021). Health Literacy in Germany: Findings of a Representative Follow-up Survey. Deutsches Arzteblatt international, 118(43), 723.

Griese, L., Berens, E-M., Nowak, P. Pelikan, J.M. and Schaeffer, D. (2020). Challenges in Navigating the Health Care System: Development of an Instrument Measuring Navigation Health Literacy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (16). doi 10.3390/ijerph17165731.

Schaeffer D., Klinger J., Berens E., Gille S., Griese L., Vogt D. and Hurrelmann K. (2021). Gesundheitskompetenz in Deutschland vor und während der Corona-Pandemie (Health Literacy in Germany before and during the COVID-19 
Pandemic). Thieme Verlag: Stuttgart.